Brenda and Ted have lived in Sarasota, FL since 2001. Prior to becoming Floridians they lived in Atlanta for 6 years and Chattanooga for 31.

Brenda holds an associates degree and worked in the chemical industry, eventually in chemical sales.

Ted is a graduate of the University of Florida and then spent his career as a civil engineer for the TVA.


Brenda and Ted both enjoy being out on a golf course and with their racquets, out on a Pickleball court. In addition, you can often find Brenda in a pool doing water aerobics, in an art studio with her watercolors or out traveling. Ted especially likes Dragon boat paddling but just about any sport is of interest.


The Hadjian’s were interested in a CCRC near Asheville in order to be closer to their daughter, who lives in the area. The equity model Legacy offers was a bonus attraction in making their decision.


Manor Home 304, Floor Plan Olivescape


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Janet & Ann

Janet & Ann met in a yoga class over a decade ago and were married on the day the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Obergefell v. Hodges case.

Barbara and Paul

While Barbara and Paul have enjoyed living in downtown Charleston, SC, they will not miss the growing threat of hurricanes, tidal flooding and the various impacts of climate change when they move to Legacy.