Barbara and Paul Franklin currently live in Charleston, SC where they relocated after retiring in 1988 from Bayer Corporation in Pittsburgh, PA. But, they are not really retired! Barbara is the owner of a firm that specializes in long term care and Medicare planning. Paul in involved in real estate investment.
Paul is originally from Louisiana while Barbara was born and raised in Pittsburgh. They married in Pittsburgh in 1985. They return to the city every October to celebrate their birthdays and anniversary, which all fall in the same week! For a recent anniversary they recreated some of their wedding photos wearing their actual wedding outfits! In Charleston they live on the 15th floor of the tallest building in the city with glorious views of Ft. Sumter and the harbor.
Daily Barbara and Paul like to be active and stay fit no matter where they are. And, as often as possible they like to travel. They’ve had the opportunity to visit all seven continents and are looking forward to checking off their bucket list of other destinations.
Barbara is the daughter of a WWII War Bride. Her mother is a native of Vienna, Austria and was working for the Luftwaffe in Berlin, Germany near the end of the War. She was arrested by an American soldier who eventually became her husband! Barbara oversees the care of her now 96 year old mother, who resides in an assisted living facility in Charleston.
Paul has been a CFP (Certified Financial Planning) Certificant since 1992 although he’s never practiced in the field. He does maintain a deep interest in all things financial.
With Barbara’s insights into long term care through her work and personal experience with her mother and Paul’s real estate knowledge, Legacy is just the right choice for them. The equity model coupled with the timing for opening fit their needs both personally and professionally. They also appreciate the peace of mind that will be provided knowing there will be a continuum of care available when either of them may need it.
While the Franklins have thoroughly enjoyed living in downtown Charleston, they will not miss the growing threat of hurricanes, tidal flooding and the various impacts of climate change. They will be ready to turn the page to a more quiet and peaceful existence in the mountains of the Blue Ridge. They are looking forward to sharing with and learning about other residents’ diverse experiences.
Manor Home 464, Floor Plan Sprucehollow